13 - 14 June 2025
fr en

To become partner
of the festival

So that gratuity continues...

Each year the festival seeks private partners to provide financial or material support.
Thanks to them, free admission continues, with a festival format which cannot be reduced and which is becoming more and more sophisticated.

23 participated in the financing of the festival in 2019
2 supported us with the loan or donation of equipment

Gain in quality...

The financial contribution allows us to gain in quality both on the musical proposals and on the offer deployed within the village. It makes it possible to concretize new ideas and to give the means to be more creative.

For the eighth edition it is a new catering stand which should see the light of day thanks to this contribution.

We offer our partners counterparts with visibility for their business, graduated according to the amount of their donation. Knowing that new things can be imagined and be reworked according to the needs of the structure.

All donors can obviously benefit from a tax receipt deductible from their taxes up to 66% of their donation.

I become a partner

You will find below the partner participation agreement, with our à la carte offer and the shipping methods if you want to join the adventure.

For all your questions,
it's Chloé who answers you ! c.desbiolles@mairiedemarnaz.fr

Les Amis des Ecoles de Marnaz

Les Amis des Ecoles de Marnaz

Région Auvergne Rhone-Alpes

Région Auvergne Rhone-Alpes

La Région Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes