13 - 14 June 2025
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Since 2013, Marnaz celebrates the blues...

Are you looking for
a particular edition?
Edition 11
7 - 8 June 2024
Une édition haute en couleurs composée à 50% d'américains ! Yiha.
Come on !
Edition 10
9 - 10 June 2023
2013 - 2023 : 10 ans !
Une programmation riche et internationale pour les 10 ans.                                                                                                             

Edition 9
10 - 11 June 2022
Rdv dans les jardins du presbytère les 10 et 11 juin 2022.
Chaque année les Nuits Blues s'offrent une programmation internationale avec des artistes américains et européens.
Pour 2022 vous ne serez pas en reste, avec nos amis irlandais, américains, belges et espagnols ça va décoiffer !
Edition 8
7 - 12 June 2021
So for 2021 we have time, ☺ and we are preparing a program made with love
Each year, the festival receives international (American and European), national and local blues artists with very different aesthetics. This allows you to discover all the nuances that the genre can offer, without distorting the music of the devil !
Edition 7
7 - 8 June 2019
Edition number 7 has been colored with the colors of the European Union !
2019: the year of the Betta Blues Society on the big stage !
Edition 6
8 - 9 June 2018
Edition number 6 ! Mixed weather for a weekend of hell !
A children's concert under the marquee, but an infallible good humor !
Edition 5
9 - 10 June 2017
The blues night finally becomes LES NUITS BLUES on this 5th edition !
2 days of festival thanks to the enthusiasm of the public !
Edition 4
3 June 2016
La Nuit Blues de Marnaz: 4th edition
The festival is starting to make itself heard outside the marinerotes borders!
Edition 3
5 June 2015
Night Blues Edition 3: English and American bands only!
Always with our talented Richie Faret in graphics ...
Edition 2
6 June 2014
Second edition of Nuit Blues.
An evening with the American Wes Mackey as guest.
Edition 1
7 June 2013
The very first edition of Nuits Blues! We remember it as if it were yesterday ...
There were 4 artists on the program, including Cisco, our super bluesman who became the godfather of the festival.
Les Amis des Ecoles de Marnaz

Les Amis des Ecoles de Marnaz

Région Auvergne Rhone-Alpes

Région Auvergne Rhone-Alpes

La Région Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes